arranged by Pink Frits

This is a game where 7 persons are needed. You can play this any time you like after the Hash, at a party - everywhere when many Hashers are together.

1. The GM

4. The Assistant Hash Scribe

7. The Hash Cash

2. The Hash Stewart

5. The Hash Executioner


3. The Hash Scribe

6. The Hash Piss



Every time, when I call the name, you stand up and drink a sip out of your glass and sit down again.


And when I say: “The whole circle”, everybody stands up, takes a sip and sits down again.

Everybody understood?

This is the meeting of the committee for the design of a new Hash T-Shirt:


When the GM came from home, he met the Hash Stewart.

Hello, GM, said the Stewart. Hello, Stewart, said the GM.

Shall we go to Hash Piss for a drink?, the GM asked the Stewart.

A good idea. Maybe we meet the Hash Scribe and his Assistant, said the Stewart. That is possible, replied the GM. I’m sure, the Executioner will come, too.

On the way to Hash Piss they met Hash Cash. Do you go with us to Hash Piss, the Stewart asked. Of course, said the Hash Cash to the Stewart. The Executioner will come, too. And so  Hash Cash, the GM and the Stewart went to Hash Piss.

When the GM, the Stewart and Hash Cash came to Hash Piss to the cosy Restaurant Miramar, there already were sitting the Scribe with his Assistant around the barrel.
Hello, Hash Scribe, said the Stewart. What do you want to drink, asked the Scribe.

The GM and Cash Hash drank beer, the Stewart, too. The Assistant Hash Scribe had Medan Whiskey.

Then finally the Executioner came from checking the Circle. But the Executioner was bored, because the whole Circle had "Low Profile”.
O.K., everybody here, welcomed the Executioner the GM, the Stewart, the Scribe with his Assistant and Hash Cash.
Hash Piss came and asked the Executioner, what he wants to drink. The Executioner ordered a beer.

The GM and the Stewart just explained the new design of the T-Shirt to the whole Circle.
After a long discussion the Scribe and his Assistant went home. So did the Executioner. The Executioner wanted to check again the Circle.

The GM and the Stewart stayed for a while with Hash Piss at the cosy Restaurant Miramar. Hash Cash and Hash Piss talked for a long time about the next run, where also is invited the whole Circle. The GM and the Stewart enjoyed talking and celebrating.

Years after the GM and the Stewart, the Scribe and his Assistant, the Executioner, Hash Cash and Hash Piss talked about the committee meeting about the new T-Shirt for the Hash Circle.

This was the game about the new Hash T-Shirt for the Circle with our actors:
The GM, the Stewart, Hash Cash, Hash Piss, the Executioner, the Scribe and his Assistant and the whole Circle.


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